Medical Dermatology

Blue Light PDT for AKs

Blue Light Photodynamic Therapy (Blue Light PDT) is effective treatment for actinic keratoses (AKs), precancerous skin lesions in the top layers of skin caused by cumulative sun damage.  PDT is an FDA approved office treatment for AKs on the face, scalp and arms.

What are actinic keratoses?

Actinic keratoses are common, slow growing that are precancerous skin lesions that over time develop into squamous cell skin cancer. If you have one AK it is likely you will develop more.  Many people have multiple AKs on the face and scalp which increases their risk for skin cancer.

Only about 5-10% of AKs turn into cSCC, but the majority of squamous cell carcinoma begins in AKs. Because we can’t know which AKs will turn into cancer, we recommend removing all AKs. PDT is effective to treat broad areas of sun damaged skin.

What do AKs look like?

AKs appear on sun damaged skin as small, rough, scaly or crusty patches or red-, pink- or flesh-colored bumps on the face, lips, ears, scalp, shoulders, neck, forearms and the back of the hands.  They may be difficult to see but are easy to feel because of their rough texture.

Treatment provides an opportunity to prevent skin cancer. Various treatment options include cryotherapy, imiquimod, 5 FU, curettage, laser and PDT.

What are the risk factors for developing AKs?

  • Being a fair skinned. Anyone can develop AKs, but fair skinned individuals have a higher risk.
  • Age 55+, however, AKs are common in people over age 40

Older men are more likely to have multiple AKs than women.

  • Unprotected sun exposure
  • Having a weakened immune system
  • Living in a sunny climate

How are AKs diagnosed?

Most often a patient will notice a rough lesion that doesn’t go away. Dr. Higgins can often diagnose the lesion by visual inspection, however it can be difficult to identify an AK from SCC, so she will treat all lesions instead of taking a biopsy. If treatment fails or she is unsure, she will treat it as if it were skin cancer and take a biopsy.

What is the Blue Light PDT procedure?

PDT is a two-step procedure that involves the use of a photosensitizing drug and visible blue florescent light to selectively kill AKs and precancerous lesions.

The area to be treated will be cleaned. We will apply a topical light sensitizing drug to the skin lesions in a specific region like the cheeks or scalp. Only the precancerous cells absorb the drug which makes them sensitive to blue light. Then, wearing protective goggles the patient sits in front of a blue light lamp exposing the region for about 30 minutes. The light comes from lasers and LEDs. The light activates the drug which kills the precancerous cells.

After treatment the skin turns red like a mild sunburn. Over the next week, the damaged skin peels and flakes off. Dr. Higgins will provide patients with after care instructions.

What are the advantages of Blue light PDT for AKs?

  • Blue light PDT is noninvasive treatment
  • No downtime but it can take a week to heal
  • It can treat a broad area of sun damage in one visit
  • It can treat visible AKs and spots that are below the surface but aren’t visible
  • It is more practical and avoids the need to treat each of multiple AKs separately.
  • Multiple lesions can be targeted and eliminated without causing scarring. This is especially important for people who have a lot of sun damage or AKs.
  • There are no long-term side effects
  • Treatment doesn’t cause pain unlike the use of cryotherapy (Freezing) and excision.
  • It is a short office procedure
  • It can be repeated as often as needed. It can take up to four treatments plus annual maintenance to keep the skin clear of AKs.
  • It is more practical
  • It is safe and effective

Side effects may include skin redness and irritation, sun and light sensitivity, and peeling. Once healed the complexion will look brighter, smoother, and clearer.

Blue light PDT is safe and effective to remove AKs and can reduce your risk for squamous cell skin cancer.

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