Medical Dermatology

Wart Treatment Options

Warts are fleshy, painless skin growths caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Different strains may cause warts to develop on different parts of the body. The most commonly involved areas are the hands, feet, genitals and face.

Warts are spread by touching the wart, skin to skin contact during sexual activity, touching something contaminated with the virus such as towels or door knobs, nail biting and shaving.

Although most warts are harmless, many people choose to treat them because they can spread and become cosmetically bothersome. Some strains of genital HPV have been linked with cancer so evaluation and treatment is recommended.

Warts can be difficult to treat and there is no single treatment that is uniformly effective.
Stubborn warts are those that fail to respond to initial conventional treatment and are difficult to treat. Treatments are aimed at relieving physical and psychological discomfort and preventing the spread of the infection.

Treatment of warts

  • OTC topical salicylic acid preparations may be helpful for one to several small warts that are less than one year old. OTC salicylic acid should not be used on the face or genitals.
  • Liquid nitrogen (freezing the warts with cryogen). After the treatment a blister will form and will peel off layers of the wart.
  • Cantharidin is a substance that comes from the blister beetle. The cantharidin solution is placed on the wart, covered with a bandaid and later washed off with soap and water. A blister will form and the dead skin will eventually slough off.
  • Compounded or prescription creams containing immunotherapy drugs such as imiquimod or 5-fluorouracil can be effective for persistent warts.
  • Laser therapy or surgical removal may be recommended in the most stubborn of cases.

In most cases multiple treatments will be needed to gradually destroy the wart and even with successful treatment warts may recur over time.

Dr. Heather Higgins has a tool bag of options and will discuss them with you when you schedule a consultation. At Asheville Dermatology you will always be treated with respect and informed of all your treatment options.

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